June 21, 2013 Officially Summer

Ok… it is officially summer. The season so many of us have been looking forward to. Here is something I have been thinking about lately… through all of the ups and downs in life, the rainy days, the colder than I would like it to be days, I talk to my friends and people I know and they complain about what seems like trivial things, big in their lives, but trivial complaints from the shoes I walk in everyday. I miss my son everyday regardless of the weather. I wonder so many things that will never be answered. So when I hear these things like the traffic or such I think, Is the traffic really worth getting that mad about? You cannot really control it. What about the things we can control? Like making sure you kiss and hug your kids extra and tell them you love them, make sure you tell the people you love in your life how you feel, use your words, write it down on a scrap of paper if need be, but do it – show it. Go out of your way to make someone else feel important, even if its just for that minute in time. We all have the ability to do things to make such a difference in life. I will tell you it makes me feel good when someone does something nice for me.

It’s the first day of summer, but I could say this any day because the thing is that TODAY IS A GIFT, ENJOY YOUR PRESENT.
